IFTTT No Longer Works?

sounds like Wyze’ ST integration server is as buggy as their IFTTT server.

I imagine it’s some EC2 instance doing both, and it’s storing something in local disk. maybe an oath session key. When that instance is rebooted, its disk is wiped and restored to the dev image. That breaks all IFTTT integrations until users set them up again. I wish the ops team at Wyze could get on this and care enough to fix it!

Classic web 2.0 bubble company. Too much focus on dev, not enough on ops and continuity. I bet they have more foosball tables and beanbag chairs than sysadmins. Time to grow up a little.


Nice post.:wink:

Sign off the Wyze account, sign off the Ifttt account then hard reset you iPhone then sign in back to Wyze and ifttt . It work again for me.

it ‘works for me’ too. Every 6 or 7 days.

I’m not a trained monkey. I didn’t buy this product to become a slave to repetitive tasks.

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Let me see now you say you’re not a trained monkey does that mean that you’re untrained monkey??? :joy::joy:


The issue persists… Any update?

Wow that’s a bit delayed? Anyway if the issue still exists for you I would suggest contacting IFTTT or Wyze support.

Other than the fact all but 3 IFTTT routines are now shut off unless you pay the service had been working.

Bruce, do you get the feeling that the next Pandemic will be ‘Greed’

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It’s already here.

I ordered 2 of the V3 cameras… Don’t need 'em but like the idea of upgraded hardware and firmware… We’ll see

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