I want a refund!

You have a v2 cam and it works?

How nice. I have two of them and they work fine.

It’s the two v1 cams that don’t work. [mod edit]

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

Time to upgrade.
Technology keeps making advancements.
I started with Nest cam at $150 each.
Wyze cam at $25 shipped is a bargain.


I’ll be happy to upgrade…when Wyze tells me why they can’t support the v1 cams on their iOS app.

It’s so simple even you can understand it.

If you live in the US, DM me your snailmail address and I’ll send you replacement cams.


It could actually be that Apple destroyed the functionality of the video drivers, and in that case I would ask Apple for a complete refund of your iPhone. it is well known in the industry Apple operating system does not work as smoothly as Android with many devices, and that is because their system is closed and they will not share much information on it


Wow, there ya go Ruefacile, Merry Christmas​:snowman::christmas_tree:. And Merry Christmas to you as well Seapup! :sailboat: :anchor:

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How do you support Wyze if you don’t purchase any product beside the very first version of it and expected them to support very old and outdated products forever? In the tech world, you usually have to upgrade every 2 to 3 years, it’s a normal thing, especially for something that cost only $20. You should feel lucky you only spend $20 and not something like over $100. You had the use of this product for many years now, if you spread the cost out for the life time of your use, it come down to what? .50 cents per months or something like that.


It seems as though the Community Guidelines may not have been followed recently on this topic.


In this situation, the moderators’ instructions are to temporarily close the comments and to call in a Wyze employee. The Wyze employee may open comments again after they have a chance to review this thread.

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