Hearing aids

Good news Wyze
could be a new project for wyze to get started on now with the changes to come
FDA Hearing aids over the counter without a prescription or an exam, as soon as next fall.


Wyze Buds for the Hearing Impaired or something close it

To whom it may concern: I Jose have been a fan of all your products, especially the V1 and V3 security cameras and I love a lot of the good ideas you guys have come up with, but the real reason why Iā€™m sending you this request is that I was wondering would there ever be a chance you can create Hearing Aids for seniors or for anyone that has lost some kind of percentage in their hearing. because my mom is 74 years and she means the world to me and she lives alone but she canā€™t hear and it scares me so much especially when she crosses the street to do her things. My mother is my world and my pride and joy and if I could do anything for her and it was possible, I would have given her back her hearing but I canā€™t. please not sure if itā€™s possible for you all to do but if so, would love to be the tester or the first one to see your product if you ever do decide to go that route and create a hearing aid because your prices are so reasonable. Wyze, I know I probably never get an answer from you or maybe some bad news that you canā€™t do it. but I really wish you would try. Iā€™m sorry if I get so emotional in the request but I just donā€™t know what to do anymore . Thank you

Hi Jose, I work in the pharmaceutical industry and one of the problems here is that anything used to ā€œdiagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseaseā€ falls under the regulations of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is very good reason for this because back in the early 1900s, anyone could put something in a bottle and call it medicine and a lot of people died or got sick that way.

Unfortunately though, FDA regulations are very strict and they cost a lot of money for a company to comply with the regulations and this is why you see so many drugs and medical devices cost a lot of money. I donā€™t know your specific situation, but if your mom is 74 she should qualify for Medicare and she should be able to see a doctor and get a hearing aid that way. I donā€™t know if you have already looked into that or what the cost would be, but itā€™s one way to get a hearing aid.

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I would like to see Wyze develop a hearing aid that has the noise cancellation that they have in the ear buds. No hearing aid in the market has this and all hearing aids are just noise amplifiers, so they defeat the purpose when a person want to talk t someone but there is others talking in the back ground.

Hearing Amplifiers/Aids

Wyze makes a great set of headphones! Have you considered making hearing aids?
Headphone software with a couple of added features would be great.
Put me down for beta testing!

[Mod Edit] Merged with an existing wishlist topic. Give it a vote to help it along!

Yes, I even asked this same question some time ago, I am all in favor of it.


YES! We need WYZE Hearing Aids. So many of us are being ripped off by the standard $4000+ prices of a good pair of hearing aids, and the average lifespan is 5 years, so we are spending close to $1k per year. The cost to build these things is $50-200 per unit. Come on WYZE, we need your help seriously.
It is a WYZE decision! Had to say it!

OP, original poster in 2019 soooo i see you did not adopt this multi million dollar idea I gave you about hearing aids - NOT to worry as I have another one. How about building a MAILBOX alert - the ones i see on Amazon are kind of clunky, I donā€™t think the contact idea would work well, could interfere with the mail, probably a light triggering device. The reason itā€™s needed: in the ā€œold daysā€ mail would be delivered in an approximate 30 minute window- day after day, now itā€™s about a 5 to 6 hour window at my location. a box alert would be helpful especially when we already have the Wyze app. The scale and sprinkler are OUTSTANDING

Looks like the FDA did approve OTC hearing aids on 17 Oct 2022 OTC Hearing Aids: What You Should Know | FDA.

I noticed that Jabra offers something ā€œstarting atā€ $1200 https://www.jabraenhance.com/

So that may give an idea of what the market for hearing aids is doing now.