Free Person Detection From Wyze

Upon further review…
After using the Wyze cam with the new AI firmware update and set to Person Detection only for a few days, I have both a pro and a con on this feature.
Pro…no more false notifications for every cloud, shadow, bug, rain etc that the camera sees. It will only send notifications when it detects a person. Hurray!
Con…and I’m afraid this is a big one. Even though the settings in the app are set to report Person motion detection only, the camera is still capturing every little movement just as before. It just isn’t reporting or sending a notification about them. This continuation of capturing all motion create a real problem. As everyone probably knows by now, when the camera detects motion, it goes into a 5 minute cool down period where it doesn’t report any motion. I won’t get into the con on that fact in this post.
So what I find happening is that if the camera detects motion of (for example) a bug, and then someone walks up to the camera within the 5 minute cool down period…NOTHING. No notification.
So something as simple as a bug flying buy for a split second or a change in the lighting because of a cloud, or whatever…will negate the benefit of Person Detection if a person happens to approach the camera within the 5 minute cool down. And if it is a windy day, the you can pretty much forget getting any notification of a person approaching.
I had great hopes for this software upgrade, and while it has reduced those annoying false alerts, I find that it has only increased notifications of people approaching by a small amount.
At this point it appears that I am getting maybe 1 out of 3 Person detection because of the inconceivably long cool down period.

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