Fast access to event list filtered by camera or Camera Group

We are testing this out with the new UI. It is much faster to see and filter the events with the new UI.

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Event button in the cam’s page/view

A button that leads to that cam’s events list while watching the cam. For example, I’m scrolling through my Backyard cam, but want to see events for just the Backyard cam, so I tap the “Events” button.

Otherwise, as it is now, I have to back back back up to the events list and toggle off the other cams in the list to see only the Backyard cam. Then if I watch an event, and tap to watch the playback, I have to back back back up again to the events list.

Can we have preset groups of cameras in the event recording?

I have a total of 10 cameras, 5 at my house and 5 at my parents.
Would like to have a preset of cameras in the app that I could select to view events.

Thank you

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