Email About Missing Resistor In Some Wyze Cams

I only found the thread about the resistor R65, but I’m not personally familiar with it. @None was the one that measured the resistance and posted the information of the resistor being 5K. Here is the post:


I agree. Especially when Wyze offers free replacement for the cams with missing resistors.

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Hello, how can I submit the request for getting my replacement camera?

Take note, that I live in Guatemala city, Central America.


Wyze is not able to ship overseas at this time. You will need a US address to which to ship the replacement.

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@gabpsy, I’d recommend contacting our support team to see if you all can figure out a method for getting a replacement Wyze Cam to you.

Support Request Form

Hi Wyze team.
I have two cameras and i discovered that one is affected by the R65 resistor .
I checked the MAC address and it showed that i am eligible for replacement.
I live in Poland and when i entered the address it was accepted by the system but i haven’t got any confirmation email that i will get the replacement.
In case i will not get it can you please tell me the resistor value that needs to be soldered to R65?

Best regards,

Hello @AriH and welcome to the community.

I am sorry you have been affected by this issue, let me tag one of the Wyze employees who can help you get it figured out, @UserCustomerGwen should be able to help you.

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Jason, many thanks.
There is no need as the issue is being taking care of by your customer support.

Best regards,



Hello, I have a friend that lives on Baltimore Maryland, he can receive my replacement and then arrange the way to send it to me. How can I proceed to get my cam?

Best regards.

I would recommend contacting the customer support team. :slight_smile:

Wyze Customer Support


The certificate to has expired (12/19/2019).

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Support said that they don’t have a timeline for that. Also the links seems to still work.

I hear that the team is fixing this now. :slight_smile:


This still isn’t fixed :frowning:

I know you guys have a lot on your plate, but should note after 2 days, it isn’t fixed.

I received confirmation that this was fixed on December 30th. Mind giving it a quick check for me? :slight_smile:


It works now, thanks!


You’re welcome! Thanks for letting me know. :grin:


How long does it take to receive the replacement camera? I had two that qualified as having the missing resistor. I have not seen either as I filled out the forms awhile ago at the same time one under my account and one for my parents account and neither of us have a received a replacement.

Oooh… This was a while ago. I’d recommend contacting customer support about this as the cameras should have shipped out last year.