Data Usage Per Camera Per Month

hey @roachone I ended up turning mine off until I have the time to figure it out. In order to be 100% sure it’s the Wyze cams, I need to build a router with bandwidth usage reporting and then connect all the wyze cams to that router. What i can tell you for now is that when i posted this last month with the cameras plugged in i hit 1.7tb in the first half of the month, after which i turned them off. This month, my total usage is about 55GB so far. That’s a pretty big difference. One question for you (and anyone else with this issue) have you connected Wyze to Google Home? I was wondering if that might be a related factor.

Hi. Thanks for the response. No, not connected to Google home. Thanks

So as I estimated 15 days ago, I’m on track as I’ve only used 77 GB total w/7 days left across 26 connected devices - 7 are cameras on all the time. And my wyze is connected to Google Home.

well, there goes that theory. How old are your Wyze cams? I purchased mine direct from the end of May.

Bought new from Amazon 3 weeks ago. Not looking like this is going to work out for me. It’s a shame because I love everything else about them.

I purchased my first two - Pan Cams - from Wyze on 8 April. Then I got all v2s - 2 from Amazon mid-MAY, then I rest from Wyze in June.

Also running latest version on both cameras. Are the cameras faulty or is this issue with Wyze?

is your network 2.4ghz or dual 5ghz/2.4ghz? Because my Netgear Orbi runs both, but they have the same name. I’m wondering if it’s something to do with that. Though, SSID and password are the same in both cases, so seems unlikely.

@slipperypig, if 5 GHz, Wyze cameras will not connect. Only (for many good reasons) support for 2.4 GHz.
I have three cameras, on all the time, I average normally 70-150 GB/month (depending on how TV streaming) and over the past months usegae has been consistent between 80-110 GB/month.

WyzeCams has not had any noticeable impact on my data “consumption”. And I have two cameras that trigger and alerts often (several times per hour).

My router has the same SSID/password for both the 2.4 and 5GHz signal.

Mine is 2.4 ghz

@roachone - So, if you’re talking about the wyze app that means you’re referring to phone data usage?

My Wyze (alone) app has used almost 900MB of data in 16 days.If that usage continues, I could easily see the Wyze phone data usage being 1.8GB by the end of the month. 3.2GB seems a little high, but I have no idea how often you are checking your phone, or looking that the live feed. Also, if your cameras are set to record in HD, then of course, you will use more data when you view alerts and live feeds.

I have alerts turned off. I have been in HD but I’ll change that to SD. Yes, it’s phone data that I’m referring to. I check my phone maybe a couple times per day for only a minute or less. Thanks for the response.

Ok, finally got back to this issue. I’ve now added an AP mode router, with a different SSID running AsusWRTmerlin so I can at least see the data by device. I reset three of my cameras, updated the firmware on each camera and connected them to the new router. I think what i’m seeing is that each of the cameras is transmitting data at a pretty high rate. If my calculations are correct, the camera transmitting at 72mbps would eat about 9megabytes per second, or about half a gig per hour, for a daily total of 12 gigabytes, just for that one camera. What gives wyze? Why are my cameras transmitting anything at all? I don’t have the app on on my phone, and all of the cameras have SD cards in them.

That’s the link rate, the negotiated max speed between the camera and router. You’ll want to check under “Traffic Analyzer” in the “Statistics” tab and change the dropdown from “All Clients” to just one of your Wyze Cams. That will show you historical bandwidth usage per device.

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I believe you are conflating local (on your network only) traffic with internet traffic. My cameras have similar numbers but the majority of that traffic does not leave my local network.

What does leave my network are the 12 second event videos, traffic when I live view a camera and am not at home and a very small amount of I assume IOT traffic.

Dang, I don’t have Traffic Analyzer on the left. I downloaded the version for my router - RTAC66U, but i guess maybe that firmware is old?

I’m running AsusWRT-Merlin 384.9 which isn’t the latest. You may need to enable traffic monitoring in Tools → Other settings.

It’s been a while since I set up my router so I can’t remember what was default and what I configured myself.

thanks @thequietman44. Says I’m using 380.70, and I’ve turned “enable IPTraffic (per IP monitoring)”
to “Yes” and restarted, but still no traffic analyzer option.

I’m seeing conflicting information on the SNB forums about whether the AC66U supports real-time traffic monitoring. Some say the CPU is too slow to support it, but I see screenshots from ASUS’s website showing an AC66U with “Traffic Manager” active.