Cat gotta learn the hard way

yeah but i dont want to cleanup the mess either :slight_smile:

and shes black so she would look goofy after her antics

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I don’t think it would be a permanent fix anyway. Probably start playing with it. You’d have a mess. :joy:

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There’s actually a great site called “Men and Cats” so for many of us, we are proud to love our cats! :cat:

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Put a cucumber for some reason cats freak out with cucumbers.

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So my cat had her first instance of finding out what happens when you touch the mat… I wonder if she’ll try jumping back up there tonight :slight_smile: it got her off there pretty quick though


I can’t get it to play

It plays on my iPad…purrrdy funny :grin:

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I have no idea why Clips do this. All I did was downloaded from the app and upload it here. I’ve had people post videos and I can’t watch them sometimes. Try using a different browser. I don’t wish it upon many people but maybe Internet Explorer will work (sometime in the next century it should play)


Played on my iPad just fine so I really don’t know what the differences between my iPhone and my iPad that I played on my iPad. And looks like it’s a success. Do you mind sending the link to exactly which one you bought?


You got it.


It works on my android phone I use the Edge browser.

As Fcuk. But spelled ever so slightly different.

I don’t just like cats, I LOVE them. A dog will love you blindly (and that’s fine,) but a cat will make you work for it.

As for the garbagey White Castle Sliders? There’s a box and a half of them in my freezer. No time is the wrong time for a Slider.

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