5 minute cooldown, A solution

Do you have an SD card? Everything should be there.

No? The reason for the 12-sec cloud limitation is cost. There is a new paid service that will remove that 12-sec limit, but it’ll cost you.

I appreciate your comment but it isn’t about the video being there on an SD card or not. It is far more about getting the right notifications at the right time with the right content (and with the right notification sounds!), without having to search through the video. Yes, the police would have had the video of the perp leaving (had it been within the storage loop time window). That is, if the perp didn’t ALSO steal (or destroy) the camera with the memory card in it, which is a distinct possibility.

Refer to my truck-drives-by example above for why and when it doesn’t work, though. If a truck drives by and I miss the thief due to the cool down window, it is a problem. If a car pulls up to my house and I miss the thief get out and take a package from my stoop, it is a problem. And telling me and other customers to review all footage around every event when a car drove by is not a scalable solution.

Being able to set the record time and the cool down period is one way to help resolve both of these problems. How do I know this? Because as I stated I had cameras that were 10+ years old that could do this, and it worked just fine.

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It’s all about the costs of cloud storage. Without that 5-min cooldown, their storage costs would rise and they couldn’t have sold you the camera for $25.

There are proposals to issue the notification (but not save the clip) during the 5-min cooldown. You should vote for it. Or subscribe to the paid/unlimited cloud storage service.

Or get another camera brand that gives you the features you want – of course, at a higher cost.

Respectfully, you’re still missing the point and my use case, pretty much entirely, and you’re not contributing anything worth while to the feature request other than dismissing it due to your own misconceptions of the stated needs, use case, and your somehow dubious yet presented-as-omniscient understanding of Wyze’s entire business model and product roadmap.

Here’s what this boils down to: If there aren’t configurable cool-down time periods to account for my use case that requires notifications on triggered events so that the important events don’t get hidden, then I will have to endlessly search video history to find events that may have been hidden from me. This is the worst case scenario, and you’re defending THAT instead of constructively helping come up with workable solutions to the actual problem. One such solution may be to at least have NOTIFICATIONS during cool down periods, with or without cloud storage, or possibly relying on local storage, or other storage, or screen grabs instead of video, etc. There are pretty much endless possibilities to come up with something workable that doesn’t break the bank or that encourages subscriptions. However, as is the case with product feedback, giving a full understanding of the problem allows the engineers to, well, engineer a solution. It isn’t my job as the customer to do the latter, nor is it yours – although I’m sure they appreciate useful suggestions. I’d ask that you please either contribute constructively towards a solution, or just STOP being a naysayer as you’re actually hurting the development of an otherwise potentially useful product and service. I can only hope that those from Wyze also see that and have the product management discipline to not be bound by the box you’ve self-defined and in which you seem to live.

And, for the record, I never said I wasn’t willing to pay a service or storage fee/etc., you’re obviously making assumptions and projecting yourself onto others. However, I will state categorically that I would never pay a storage fee if it doesn’t actually solve my problem – and the current service offering does NOT.


That, if possible, I feel would be a great trade off. I have an SD card in the camera but getting a notification that basically just says ‘hey look at you recorded video’ would be great. Then I would easily know if there was an event that recorded to SD in the cool down period.


You’re complaining about a feature (configurable cooldown period) that would cost and that wasn’t part of the original deal when you bought the camera.

Sure you can ask for it as a new paid feature, but you were complaining that during B&E at your residence, that feature wasn’t there.

In addition …

You got a notification there was a break-in. During the next 5 minutes, due to the cooldown feature, you’re complaining that you were not notified of the thieves’ egress? Are you serious?

As I stated, it’s all in the SD card.

There weren’t cameras that stored video in the cloud and sent notifications to your phone 10 years ago. It would have been stored locally. You can already do that with Wyze cams.

If you’d like to build your own system that continuously records with the cameras using another device, there’s also RTSP firmware that enables this, if you’d like to get a little more advanced.

For cloud storage, there’s a premium service coming soon called “Complete Motion Capture” that will remove the cooldown period and video length limitations. It’s available in the beta version of the app now, if you’d like to be a beta tester. After the beta period, it will be $1.49/month. You can find details here Complete Motion Capture Website Ready for Beta Testing

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I see that the question here is more about marking the recorded video and the notifications rather than cloud storage. And the forementioned can definitely improve the UX.

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Yeah, I didn’t think they were talking about cloud storage, just the ability to capture a whole event. I was just pointing out that Wyze can already capture the whole event. The cloud aspect of the service doesn’t do that, (Yet – unless you’re using the beta app) but the product itself does, just like the 10+ year old ones they were talking about.

But although the video is being captured onto the internal memory card, events are not marked within the cooldown period - I often see a running cat or a passing car, but miss a postman who brought a parcel. And when I see the parcel at my door, I cannot even know when it was delivered - it’s impossible to look through all those 100+ generated events.

I know that the problem can be solved by installing additional cameras in places where they won’t be that disturbed… but it’s not always possible as the cameras aren’t wireless/waterproof. Thus, setting a timeframe for notifications within the cooldown period would be very useful, especially with the power of AI person recognition.

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You are 100% correct, this is about notifications, not the cloud storage. (although it’d be great to have an option for the two to work together.)

Thanks for understanding – and for summarizing what I wrote into a bite sized high level requirement statement.

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Ah. I understand. I agree I’d like to see them expand the notification system to separate it from the cloud recording a little more than it is now.

If you don’t care about 24-hour continuous recording, per se, you can set the SD card only to record events. This will make it much easier to jump from event to event in the timeline, and the SD event recordings are not subject to the cool down period.

Wow - that’s great to know that SD event recording is not subject to the 5-minute cool down period. You seem to have a great understanding of how the cameras, app, and service operates; sadly, after much searching I’ve found absolutely none of this level of detail in any documentation. Did you learn these things by experimenting and reading the forums, or is there some primer you can point me towards?

Am I understanding you correctly that the 5-minute cool down period means that there’s a 5-minute period between notifications during which no video is sent to the cloud, BUT that during those 5-minutes, events will still be triggered, and the relevant video saved to the SD card? Is there any place for me to see a “list” of those events triggered during the cool-down period? (Other than the SD card folder?)

Even with event video being stored on the SD card during the time-out, I’m still not sure “setting the SD card to only record events” will resolve my issue. It depends if it will still NOTIFY me of an event if it is in between – which is something I really need – and if there’s a way for me to see a list of events during that time period. If not, then I may not know there’s anything worth looking at, and am again stuck reviewing a ton of extra video, albeit not 24x7 video, just “events”. Worse yet, from what I understand (which may be wrong), I’ll have to do it on-site by removing the SD card, instead of remotely via the app. (unless I can see through the mobile app the event video that is stored on the SD card.)


I’ve been telling you that for a long time. Check the thread.

“As I stated, it’s all in the SD card.”

You will NOT get notifications from events recorded to the SD card, only from items sent to the cloud, so you still would have 5 minute notification gaps

True. Then one has to search the SD card if continuous recording is on. This is why I prefer event-only SD recording. It’s easy to navigate to all the events that follow a (cloud) notification that I’m interested in.

This probably also saves wear and tear on the SD storage.


I prefer Event Only also, I run Event Only on all but one, I do run continuous on the other one

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Yes, qlang243, I know you’ve been saying that, and it is clear that you either STILL do not understand the feature request or the use case, do not care, or are just here to cause noise that distracts the Wyze employees from listening to valuable feedback about their product. Because, the latter is what you’re doing.

To restate it yet again –

The SD event recordings during a cool down period are useless to me:

  • Without getting notification of the events that take place during the cool down period;
  • Without a way to view said events through the mobile app;
  • Without a way to view a list of said events.

If my understanding of how the product(s) and service(s) is incorrect and the above functionality does actually exist, feel free to educate me – I welcome it.

If not, Wyze, please consider implementing a solution to the above. One possible solution would be a feature that allows notifications during the cool-down period while events are only stored on the SD card, with a way to view them remotely, so we don’t have to go hunting for files on the SD card with physical access to the cameras which are many times mounted in inaccessible places.

Thank you.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines

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I believe what you have said is clear. Those things do not exist currently the way you are looking for them to happen. I think the idea you had of getting notifications of an event recorded to SD is a good one, but I do not know what it would take to implement something like that.

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You should have known those are useless to you when you bought the camera. Now you’re trying to paraphrase your original post that you want these new features in new releases.

Nope, you were complaining that those features were not available when you got robbed.

That’s what you don’t understand.