2 Factor Authentication (2FA) Information

I actually replied to the wrong thread yesterday. Meant to post here that I received your same email yesterday… 10/20.

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Wyze email for opt in was sent to Spam folder.
Wyze need better email server.

I tried this for two days and turned it off. Had to login everytime and then get the damn code and put that in. BIG PITA!

If you don’t log out you should not have to use 2FA to log back in

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I didn’t log out. The next time I opened the app I had to login and get another code. My wife had the same issue.

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It is possible that your situation has something to do with the new change for the URL for wyze

I’m using the app on an iPhone and iPad.

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If you’re just using the app but not website then the new URL may be inapplicable

At the first “notice” of the 2FA requirement a month or so ago, I enabled it on my account. The first time I used the mobile app on each of my mobile devices, I had to enter the 2FA code on each to log in. I have not had to enter the 2FA code again to use the mobile app on any of my mobile devices. I did not have to do anything on all my cameras, plugs, lights, sensors, etc - 2FA does not affect those.

But on the web site, I have to enter the 2FA code every time I log in, and sometimes I have to enter it multiples times in the same browser on the same day, even when I have not logged out in my browser. It only seems to remember it for maybe an hour or so, and it seems to log me out automatically every hour or so at their server end.


Why did i get this email ? my 2fa is already turned on. I thought it was a phishing email

Congratulations to Wyze for offering the option for 2FA. It is important to me to protect my personal data with as much protection as possible so I am happy that the 2FA option is available.

Just to illustrate why protecting the data that Wyze has is important to me:
Imagine someone hacked my account. They get access to video streams of various views outside my home. I just use these streams for looking at wildlife walking through my yard mostly so no harm if someone gets access to them that is not supposed to have access, right? For me this is not true. There are many insights people can discover about my personal situation with those videos. And remember they hacked my account so they have my email. Now they know I live in a place with a yard. So they can target ads like ‘lawn care products’, ‘real estate investment’ etc. They can see people walking around in my yard too and from that they can maybe learn I have children or elderly people living at my home and target campaigns at that. With my email they can join with other data streams they may have hacked or bought and send those ads directly to my social media. Honestly if I don’t use secure practices they can probably then continue on down a chain of hacking my stuff because it was so easy to hack my Wyze account. It may sound paranoid or far fetched but thats how I see it. Best option, for me, is to use the highest level of protection available for all of your personal data and live with the inconvenience. Learn to love the process. My personal data, that Wyze has control of, I consider pretty personal so it is also important that Wyze not violate my trust. If they do, I of course always have the option of cancelling my account with Wyze but at that point, my data is already lost/stolen and nothing Wyze or anyone else does can change that. Of course the absolute best option is to unplug your computer from the Internet but I don’t think too many people will do that :slight_smile:

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They have had that option for several years. The only open question is whether or not they will force it on people who don’t need it or want it.


One problem with online forums is that it can be difficult to tell the difference between satire and totally clueless nonsense.

This post is a prime example of that. Even after reading it repeatedly I cannot be completely sure if this is extremely good satire or the most totally clueless nonsense ever posted. I certainly hope it is satire.

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It is unfortunate 2FA will become mandatory. Here is my experience with 2FA while using your competitor’s system. When there is an issue, it is typically around 3am. With 2FA, I have to wake up and click to view an event. Then, I have to wait for the system to text me a code, open a different app, etc. etc. This is a lot for a 70 year old to manage at 3am. Usually, I weigh the risk of disregarding the notification of an event because it is too much effort at 3am. I typically wait until morning and have had my coffee to see if I need to call the police. By making me more safe, your competitor was making me less safe. This is one of those situations that has unintended consequences.


I’m not sure that 2FA for Wyze will become mandatory or just “highly suggested” for accounts that don’t already have it, but that was a helluva story! I could definitely imagine it! :+1: :+1:

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I have had the app on my phone for months after logging in and it never asks me to repeat the login or 2FA. I open the app from notifications or the icon more than 20 times a day at all hours and it never asks me to login or 2FA. I even download updates to the app… And it doesn’t ask me to login or 2FA.

ONLY when I uninstall and reinstall the app, or manually Sign Out in the account settings does it ask for a new login and 2FA.

The Web View used to be a headache because that required a login and 2FA every time. But if anyone has noticed, they now allow for one click authentication using your Google Passport! :exploding_head:

Now that is progress!

Might there be some room for that kind of progress in the app?

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I really love this! I am not stuck picking either Google passport OR local credentials. I love that both still work. The Google passport is an awesome upgrade to the webview. I hope they offer it as an option in the app soon too!

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You know I was only able to post that BC you pointed it out to me! Thx!

:slight_smile: I never need credit for anything, I won’t be offended, especially when things get shared in other threads to help others out, but thanks. :slight_smile:

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Gotta say. One of my health insurance related web sites doesn’t yet require two factor authentication and it’s a [removed - language] pleasure. You log in, get your info, and you’re done. Other sites slow everything down - find your phone, type the code, check your spam folder, hurry before it times out, answer the CAPTCHA, enter a new password because they decided to change requirements, oh wait, they think they can send an SMS to my home landline, oh wait that is an old phone number or e-mail address, etc , etc. Just last week Google decided to arbitrarily turn on 2FA so that when I needed to quietly access an important account every device on that account got pushed an authorization request!

Too many of us are too content to eat crap and smile with the burden that is two factor authentication. We all suffer because some businesses can’t be trusted to police their own password databases and access logs.

It’s a freaking pity. And while many posters seem to think it’s a non-issue, this is not a crap sandwich that I will be forced to eat quietly. The feature has its place but it is increasingly overused, shunting the duty of proper data security onto innocent end users. It’s a great way to get permanently locked out of things that are important to you.