Wyze V3 Events still recording but can't get live view?

Has anyone ever seen a cam that is still recording events including cam plus but you can’t connect for a live view?

I am not able to power cycle it at this time so I hope when I can that will fix it.

New app released yesterday did you update, worth a try……

Good idea but didn’t help

Ok power cycle fixed it. Hopefully this is a rare situation or I will have to put it on a smart power switch so i can remotely power cycle it.

One possibility is poor connectivity. To get live video you have to have a fairly decent data rate. Uploading a video to the cloud does not have to be real time, It’s just data. If it’s a slow connection, it only takes longer to upload it.

I had thought that so I rebooted the wifi it was on and i checked bandwidth of the connection. It had over 500 megabit of bandwidth available and great signal to the wifi so that wasn’t the issue. The device itself just stopped supporting streaming and required a power cycle for some reason.

I have other cameras that were working fine at the time.

Also the internal recording for all the time i couldn’t remotely connect was still fine.