WYZE thermostat OFFICAL response to bluetoth issue?

HELP! I really want to like the thermostat. Thank you to all who have shared tips and tricks to get the thermostat installed. The Bluetooth connection is failing for me.

Has WYZE issued any official statement other than try a Iphone to connect the thermostat? This is a unacceptable response as a solution. Will there be an update that can resolve this?
If I can’t connect with my Pixel 4A its getting shipped back.

A Thermostat needs to work, period, especially in December.

The initial BT connection is just to finish the setup, just use another device besides the pixel, my pixel 2 was failing as well. Tried my son’s moto e6 and it went through instanly, after that youre good to go/ control it with your phone.

I enabled BT and Location on my phone and the Thermostat connected. Thanks for the suggestion.

Yes. Location IS an issue. Went thru setup several times, couldn’t locate the Bluetooth thermostat. Called tech support, reset everything, no connection. Sent me a new one under warranty because they said they have experienced this problem with other thermostats. Got the new one, same setup fail on Bluetooth connection. Then I turned on GPS location when I checked to confirm Bluetooth was on. Instant connection. Pulled the thermostat head and plugged in old one…INSTANT CONNECTION. Hey Wyze tech support… WiFi, Bluetooth, AND GPS LOCATION must be on for setup to work!