WYZE LOCK automatically unlocks randomly

My wife and I experience this same problem. If we arrive home together, after the door auto-unlocks, we enter and lock the door, it will auto-unlock after a couple of minutes. My assumption is that this auto-unlock is being done by the other phone that feels left out because it didn’t get to execute it’s auto-unlock rule yet. After 10 minutes of not opening the door, then it auto-locks. This last feature means that if we don’t notice it, the door is only ever unlocked for 10 minutes.
Still, Wyze should be able to fix this. The phones should be able to realize that the auto-unlock has already been executed and cancel it on the phone that didn’t trigger it. Perhaps if bluetooth connects to the lock within 30 seconds of an auto-unlock event, the auto-unlock could be cancelled.
I’ve never had an extra auto-unlock occur except in this scenario where we arrive home together.

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