While viewing away... Timezone issue

I am spend time away from home and am keeping watch of my home thanks to my fantastic Wyze cameras.

I happen to be in a different time zone, so naturally the app alerts me and offers to sync the time to my device… I do not, I want to keep them to local time where the cameras are. There’s a box to Not Alert for 7 days… No work for me, it stills asks the next time I visit.

In any event, I want a box to stop asking to sync until further notice

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We were just gone and experienced the same thing. By the end of the week it was a little annoying. With that said it was great peace of mind that I could check on the house and make sure our pet sitter was doing her job. I was able to send a message that she left a door shut and the boys were not able to go out. Lucked out and she happened to be there and watched her open the door. Next step, camoflague the cam. The white box sticks out where it’s at.