Webcam for eye contact (product request)

Make a TINY webcam on the end of a thin stiff wire so that it could be placed in the middle of the computer screen. Or so that it could be a foot or so above the screen. Or attached to a phone.

We want it in the middle of the screen so that we can maintain eye contact with people on zoom.
Having the ability to be a foot above would be great to avoid those “up the nostril” views.
Attaching to a cell phone would enable a good angle while comfortably holding the phone.

You have the tech, you could easily sell it for $25, and there are other possibilities besides a webcam. It could be used as an endoscope, pet cam, or on the end of a usb extension cord to monitor kids or pets while working in an office. Supplemental lenses would be a good add on. An anamorphic lens would be unique.