We’re Giving Wyze Person Detection to All Users at Whatever Price You Want - 1/11/22

You make valid points about people who not pay any attention for months until something happens they finally want to check, then realize they ignored all the push notifications, warnings, emails, etc…

I wish there was a better way to inform people. Not sure there is much more that could reasonably be done to inform everyone about the change. They did say in the letter “We will send you lots of reminders.” which I think is likely to bring some complaints as well…though I don’t have a better solution besides something like, if a person acknowledges one of the messages, stop sending them. I guess we’ll see how that plays out. At least they’re trying.

Not sure what a better solution would be to cover those people. I suppose they could make it so anyone who is already active would need to actively opt-out instead of actively opt-in, Only new accounts would need to actively opt-in. Current customers could have been given a choice to select to opt out or opt in and have non-responses set to continuing with cloud. That might’ve been an overall better option. It wouldn’t have drastic savings initially, but it might’ve worked out okay in the long term doing that.

I have talked to several…some very upset about it. I thought there was no way it would ever happen though…
Regardless, here was a wishlist item for it, though it was a relatively low amount of people supporting it:

Absolutely, they will certainly be the exception or niche market, but it is important to some people for whatever reason, so occasionally we get people posting asking how to do it without cloud events.

Honestly, I think they should offer people the option like Eufy Cams do to have just text notifications or text and thumbnail notifications. I would not be surprised if they update it this way in the future to allow people to pick. I’m sure it would need another firmware update. :slight_smile: