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I also can not see the correct Wyze app when looking on my tablet. It is an old Samsung 7", running Android 4.4. App owners have an ability to block downloads of their apps to older devices, with older operating systems. I am unclear if the invisibility of the correct app is due to the age/OS version of my tablet, or Wyze restricting it. I have a hard time seeing and operating all the features on my ‘standard’ sized Motorola cell phone, so I would love to use my tablet, or to have a Windows app. Or to solve the need for Windows/Apple/Linux apps, just give us an ability to connect via the web, making it nearly OS neutral. Using the web, again, making it less OS dependent, instead of a Windows only app, then an Apple only app. One development track aimed at the mutually useful web, gets all devices, even my old tablet, Windows and Blackberry phones, and Chromebooks.

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