V3 not receiving notification while connected to cam plus

It’s been 4 weeks on an open help ticket my V3 will not receive notifications while subscribed to cam plus. it worked fine until about a month ago. It records event but will not send notification. Moving it back to cam lite the notifications work. If you have time to fill my inbox with products for sale you need to take the time to resolve this issue I and others are having with cam plus


Hi @mikelapointe,
Could you try this:

  1. Assign back Cam PLus to the V3 that is not sending notifications.
  2. Go under Account/Wyze Support/Smart Support.
  3. Use this tool to scan your device configurations for V3

Smart Support tool will help scan the device configurations for “No notification issue”.
In case all looks good after scanning, please let me know. I will follow up with next steps here.

It’s not just him, a lot of people are having the same problem.

CamPlus not sending push notifications, only works in CamPlus Lite.
CamPlus working but not pushing “motion” events, just CamPlus events.

Lot’s of log numbers in these posts. Please help.

Has anyone figured out how to make CamPlus notifications work for the Cam V3? For me, I get notifications only if I remove CamPlus from this camera. (Of course, then it will not record video, which is why I am paying for CamPlus in the first place.)