V3 camera - allow continuous recording more than 9 days

There is no 9 day or 100GB limitation for continuous microSD recording on any Wyze cam. The Wyze Cam v3 currently supports exFAT and you may install any size card. Please ensure your app and v3 firmware are up to date:

I have been running 64GB, 128GB and 256GB cards for years with no problems. Make sure you use genuine, high-quality, high-endurance microSD cards specifically made for continuous recording cams. I’m getting about 5 days 13 hours and 30 minutes on 64GB cards with a v3 cam in HD mode using these cards. Double that time for a 128GB card and a little less than quadruple for a 256GB card. This is from a v3 cam with a 128GB card installed and currently has a little over 11 days of HD footage stored on it: