This Forum Doesn't Suffer Fools Gladly

I’m allergic to this as well. If we continue to offload our native abilities (like people did with calculators losing the capacity to ‘figger’ in their heads) they’ll shrink, wither and die. I like ‘rough’ and personal assessments then interact and get a ‘sense.’ Self-assessment uber alles! :wink:

Some people play ‘help desk poker’ too where they bluff a lesser aptitude than they actually have while squirreling away ‘hole cards’ out of sight.

I’ve been accused of this, unjustly I might add. :grin:

(I don’t play poker so this is ‘rough’ at best.)

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Sorry, I couldn’t find the sarcasm font when I originally typed this :roll_eyes:.


Ok, not you, wiseass, but the rest of my mini-rant stands. It’s the prevailing trend.

Everything’s not about you, y’know. :wink:

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Understand. Empathize.

Did you get a batch of bad flies recently? A toad pee on your lilly pad?

Just seem wound a wrap tighter on the line than usual.

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Sense this, mofo. :point_down:


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I never knew DiscoBot had such a big worm. Do you empathize with the fish? Perhaps I should change my handle and avatar, I don’t want it to be offensive. :kissing_heart:

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I love you just the way you are. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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I’m thinking you could use some therapeutic time in the DM w\ @carverofchoice.


He scares me. Too touchy feely. :slight_smile:


I for one have never overestimated you.

You’re welcome. :wink:


:laughing: What a great compliment! Thanks!

Shall we all meet for a tech boy snuggle cuddle later on? :people_hugging:

:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: Eeeewwww!:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

Classic Projection I now deduce. :mag::man_detective:


:man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :person_shrugging:  Cast a wide net, I always say…




Pointcast was cool too.

Before Sheryl Sandberg was Kim Polese

Mature Content

Future so bright
turned my cap & gown white
and my ass into a golden tassle.

Q Why are tech ‘visionaries’ so crazy?
A They all dream of casting a wide net over humanity.

Q Did humanity ask for their HELP?
A No, not really.

Q What would humanity do without a big net thrown over them.
A Live freely.

If you’re willing, I would be interested to hear your assessment of @carverofchoice 's comment upstream. Strengths, weaknesses, impact upon your various brainal regions, etc.

For those unfamiliar, Carver is a forum pal I respect. We have different perspectives and approaches which makes the friendship lively, interesting and fun.

He is quite ‘game.’ :+1:

And he and @Customer are fast forum friends.

Fast as in ‘secure, faithful, lasting.’ ‘Tight.’ But not this close. :people_hugging:

Monsieur? :slight_smile:

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To be like

-I’m like
-You’re like
-He/She/It’s like
-We’re like
-They’re like

Used often with the conjunction ‘and then’.
And accompanied by ‘to be all’.

I’m like, ‘What the heck, pilgrim, you stepped on my toe.’
And then he’s like, ‘Toe? What toe? I thought that was a seed pod from the tree.’
And then we’re like, ‘No pilgrim, that was a toe!’
And then they’re like, ‘Well, sorry there, fellas, it was an honest mistake.’
And then some rando is all, ‘Come on folks, can’t we just get along?’
And we’re like, ‘Puh-leeze, Karen. Talk to the hand.’

I’m like: “So, like OMG! Like which one of these character actors in Peep’s docusaga do you like emotionally self-identify as?” (In my thickest 80’s Valspeak tone possible).

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AI Carver has narrowed me down to one of three guidable member types. Ask him. :wink:

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I object! I would never consider limiting you to being only one type of gullible. :upside_down_face:


We may need to call Miss Direction to the stand. :no_mouth:


Carver unplugged. Or unleashed. Or full-strength. Or… :wink:

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