Thermostat Powered off during the software update

During software update, the power to the thermostat went off. Now, everything on the thermostat is blank - it is dark and unresponsive, and the message on the phone is that the thermostat is offline. Is there a way to reboot the thermostat to recover the software?

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Check to make sure your furnace board fuse didn’t blow.

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Hi @msilber54 ans welcome to the community forum.

Check the power as @speadie suggested.
Delete the thermo from App, hold down the button on thermo for 15 seconds to reboot the device itself, Then add the thermostat back into App.

Thanks for suggestions. I will try that tomorrow. The problem was that, during the installation process and when the thermostat was updating the software, the power went out and the thermostat went blank. I will report on my findings, but suspect that the power outage damaged the software of the unit.

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I tried these suggestions and nothing worked. The thermostat is totally dark and does not work.

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