Sync sleep from Wyze Band to Google Fit

My new Wyze Band syncs steps, heart rate data, and sleep to the Wyze app. The Wyze app syncs steps and heart rate to Google Fit, but Google Fit has zero sleep data. How do I sync the sleep data to Google Fit?

My set up is

  • Wyze Band firmware
  • Wyze App 2.23.16 for Android
  • Samsung Galaxy S9+ smartphone

After seven months, I still have the same problem: Wyze App shows steps, heart rate, and sleep. Google Fit shows steps and heart rate but not sleep. How do I sync sleep from Band to Fit?

  • Samsung S9+
  • Wyze Band
  • Wyze app 2,28.0.102
  • Google Fit app 2.73.2.arm64-v8a.release