Stupid question here

How do I know if I have the latest App update. I know about the firmware. I’ve read and read and cannot find what App number I have. Someone take pity on me and tell me where to look - I hate to be dumb and it’s probably so simple, but…
Thanks in advance.

Hi Iris, no such thing as a stupid question.
From the Account menu icon (bottom row from the main screen) go to About menu item. This is where you will find your app version. Let me know if find it okay and I can help with anything else.


The answer above is nicely generic IF you know what the current version is supposed to be.

To know in one stop, just go to your app store and see if there are any updates waiting for it. You didn’t specify your phone type, but on iOS (what I know about) you would go into the Apple app store > updates > pull down to refresh (it only refreshes the list of apps to update every few days on its own). Anything that has an “Update” button there is waiting to update, anything that says “Open” instead is recently updated. You don’t need to find the Wyze app, just see if there is an update waiting for it at the top of the list.

You can also check out Release Notes by going to the support site link at the top right of the page , in the Wyze app section , it shows current and past app and firmware versions


And if you don’t have a support site link at the top right of the page (‘dark theme’ users don’t at this time), then go to:


I didn’t know that , Good to know


Oh my goodness, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve looked in that About link. Did I look carefully before? Obviously not. That answered my question and it worked. Thank you SO much.

Thank you everyone for all this useful info.



It might help if they put it in bigger bolder print. I missed it a few times in the beginning.

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No worries Iris. It took me quite a while to find it the first time. :slight_smile:

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