SSID needs change and can’t access cameras

My network was changed recently and now I am not sure what I need to do to bring my cameras back online. I have several, most are hard to get to. Do I have to completely re-register each camera to get them linked up?

I think so yes.

Unfortunately there isn’t any way to remotely change the SSID on the camera. You’ll have to do them one at a time and physically at the camera reset, scan QR code, etc

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Can’t you reconfigure the WiFi/router to use the same SSID and password as before?


That’s what I did last time I replaced my router. Way too many devices in the house to redo every one of them

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20 Years from now: When I was your age we didn’t have any new fangled neuronet. I had to walk uphill both ways, and resetup every single device…

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