Sprinkler Controller schedule - add pause/break between zones

Have you seen any help with his , my city is the same only water every 3rd day


No response from Wyze yet… it should be very simple to add this feature on the program not sure why is not part of the original option everyone one else has it … now I have to change the schedule every week very frustrating… not too smart controller


Desperately need a 3 day interval option.


Same here. I can’t believe this option doesn’t exist. Will be returning. And I have like 10 other Wyze products - this is a bad miss.

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Yes, where it the ability to water every 3 or 4 days (or whatever number of days). Most basic sprinkler systems have this ability - I would have thought a “smart sprinkler” would have had this capability for scheduling! A big miss also in my humble opinion.


I totally agree! Here we are in a drought in Calif and when I tried the smart system it watered for over 50 minutes. My wife had a cow!
I thought maybe it was “setting itself up” or something but no. Two days later it did the same thing. And this was when it was cool outside. My grass only needs 10 min of water every 3 days (in the Spring) and instead this thing is running up my water bill crazy!
Really wish they would have a real explanation of what they expect me to pay $10 a year on. Because as it is now it is totally worthless and operates in some sort of alternate reality.

Had I know this prior to buying I would not have bought mine, I may change next year unless a update comes out.

Based on the replies here, I guess I am returning my sprinkler controller. Without being able to water every third day makes the sprinkler controller worthless to me.

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Add one more to the “I need this thing to run every three days” group. Wish I’d’ve known this was a problem before I dismantled the old device…

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Agreed I am in the same boat seems like this would be a pretty simple software update, be great to know if Wyze is working on this.

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Hi all, this schedule feature request will be in the 2.23 app release! Thank you so much for your input.

While I’m happy you are putting this in the new update, I literally just shipped my controller back to Wyze yesterday.

any estimate on when that version is being released?

Hello, it would be nice if there was an option to select or have the sprinkler controller automatically stop a actively running schedule if the external rain sensor trips during that schedule.

At the moment it seems that by activating a external rain sensor it defeats the Sprinkler Plus rain prediction component. So then if the schedule starts 5 minutes before the rain, it still runs the complete schedule, in the rain. While the external rain sensor is tripped.

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That’s a great point. I will get back to you on this :slight_smile:

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Awesome, thank you! While we’re here, can you confirm/debunk that by activating an external rain sensor it defeats the Sprinkler Plus rain skip?

I have some information now! Assuming both rain skip and external rain sensor are enabled:

a Fixed schedule will skip if the user-selected rain threshold (in inches) is met within a 48 hour window (24 hrs before & after the schedule) OR if the sensor trips within the hour before it starts.

a Smart schedule will skip if the soil moisture is predicted to pass a smart threshold, OR the sensor trips within the hour before it starts.

In other words, rain skip doesn’t defeat the external sensor. What should change is real-time triggering from the rain sensor.

We’ll try to implement this change in the 2.24 app or 2.25 at the latest. :grin:


Very cool. And very good information! Been a question of mine for a bit now. Thank you for getting back to us!

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Where is Wyze with being able to update the software to allow users to set schedule to an every three dat cycle.

It’s releasing tomorrow!

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