Shipping with FedEx

I watch your videos and read your emails where Wyze upper crusts say they want to improve and they know shipping is an issue. That they are listening and will do better. Only to see a new post or video echoing the same promise with no movement each time. Been with Wyze since the beginning and shipping has gone downhill and has now hit its lowest point. We did not have these shipping issues in beginning. Wyze says, “It’s FedEx” while FedEx tells me, “Nothing we can do, the sender chose SmartPost” which apparently means it will get there when it gets there. If you truly want to stick to your word and do better you might try approaches to your loyal customers such as: Give shipping choices, so folks who are willing to pay a little extra for better shipping. Or you could try to work with FedEx to have a communication line about orders that take 20 plus days to arrive. You need to brainstorm, you need to listen to your customers or risk losing them. You need to do better just like you say your going to do. Cut the crap of “It’s not us, it’s FedEx.” If it’s not working, which it clearly is not, then you need to find a solution. Soon, and I mean very soon, many customers like myself will say it is just not worth it and go elsewhere. There goes your word of mouth sales along with it. I have been holding on by a thread here while Wyze sharpens their knife for the final cut without a care by just shrugging at customer concerns. What kind of business model is that? Shipping is [Mod Edit]! Period. Stop saying we hear you and we are going to do better only to sit there and do nothing. At least say, we will not change and this is how it is so I can cut the cord and move on.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines. This forum is primarily a user-to-user community. Forum Moderators and Forum Mavens are not Wyze employees. @Bam is fellow Wyze user who volunteers their time to answer questions and help keep this forum running smoothly. Wyze employees are identified via “Wyze Team” following their forum user name.