Rules for v3 camera not working

Schedule feature stopped working: Mon - Fri the camera should be on from 8am - 6:30p (and off the remainder of the time). Feature worked well on my previous cam but is no longer working on the v3.

Location trigger doesn’t work at all: Sat/Sun camera should turn on when I leave and off when I return. However, this feature hasn’t worked at all. Very dissapointing to say the least.

Is anyone else having this issue?

Welcome to the user-to-user forum, @hausofmeow!

Did you set up a new schedule for the new camera? The old schedule will not work, even if the camera is named the same. Any old schedule was tied to the old hardware.

If your previous cam was also a V3, then all you need to do is edit the targeted camera on the scheduled rule. If it was a V2, you need to create a scheduled rule to turn on and off the camera (the V2 used a different scheduling system).

Same for any other associated rules. They need to be updated to target the current hardware.

Hope that helps!

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