Push notifications icon

I have the wyze app installed on my iPad and my iPhone. I have notified that I stop receiving push notifications and somehow a line is going thru the push notifications icon.
I did not initiate this , it just happens on its own. How do I stop this?

are you running any shortcuts?

No shortcuts

I just realized…you ssaid there is “a line going through” the “push notification icon.”

that’s on the home screen correct?

that is actually just a general notification off icon ( its a bell icon correct?)

post a screen shot of your notification page and your detection page. you might have the actual “push notifications” turned off

there is an individual setting for push in the notification page. ( I don’t have my phone with me as I am at work so I cant show you what I mean)

as a few moderators around here usually post, there is a bit of redundancy in the notifications of the app, but it also give you quite a few options. its just a matter of finding and understanding them all.

  • emphasized text

*Ok, here goes, it happened again this morning. First thing this morning, the app was fine no line thru the “bell”.
One my notification page it is set to on.
couple of hours latter line thru the bell notifications set to ON…line thru the bell
I am including two screen shots for you.