Power failure to camera

Please try to power cycle the camera, error code 90. We have the camera in a remote location and it is not possible to unplug it and plug it back in again. Cannot reset the camera online. The power is on at the location since we can see with another camera. Cheap is coming out expensive.

By this do you mean the you tapped the Reset Device button in the camera settings?

Have you tried force quitting and restarting the app (that sometimes helps).

Here are the troubleshooting guides:


If that doesn’t solve it, keep in mind that this is primarily a user-to-user forum. If you don’t get help here from the community, file a support request including log files. That will ensure that the logs are captured. You might want to submit the ticket right away because there’s somewhat of a backlog. You can always let them know it’s already resolved when they contact you.

The message from the camera is: Please try to power cycle the camera(error code: -90). I chose the option. I chose Restart Device under Device Settings, and it still gives the same error code. I do not know how to force quit and restart the app.

Make sure you give it five minutes after Restart Device before trying again or force quit.

Force quit would depend on if you are Android or iOS. Google “force quit Android” or “force quit iOS” will give you a quick answer.

I did the force quit on my android phone. I still get the same error code(error code: -90).

You might then be down to troubleshooting that can only be done in person. A support ticket would be your next step.