Please get rid of discover

This has been a sticking point for me ever since the feature was added to the Wyze app.

The Wyze app’s purpose is to control and manage the devices effectively and efficiently. It’s really not a social hub or shopping app - we have Facebook and Amazon for that, thanks. Featuring these tabs so prominently makes the app feel “unprofessional” and cluttered.

I think it’s important to realise that Wyze is moving away from an early adopter audience to a more mainstream one. These new customers do not find as much value in these features as the highly involved early adopters.

My suggestion would be to make the tabs editable - allow them to be hidden and rearranged according to customer preference.

As soon as the Wyze stream can load in the Google Home app I’m going to uninstall the Wyze app for simple reason of these unnecessary tabs being in my way. Perhaps it’s just me… But I appreciate simplicity and efficiency as opposed to novelty features.

I actually posted it here a while back:
Remove discover/shop tabs