Outdoor camera with optical zoom

I know you’ve got a lot of requests to add various features, so here is one more. I would love to have an outdoor camera with a zoom lens–say, 5x?. And of course we would not expect it to be as inexpensive as your indoor cameras.

I think this is a great idea!! Hopefully Wyze will consider this!!

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YES Outdoor rated WYZE Cameras would be great.

Current cameras (V1 and V2) can’t delineate a license plate when you digitally zoom-in. A camera with a zoom is a great idea. Or, at least one with a fixed, “magnified” lens, that when you digitally zoom-in, you can read license plates.


Feature needed for LPR (license plate recognition) - Cameras with Optical Zoom

With all the package theft around, I’ve been looking for the feature needed for license plate capture, but 4K videos takes a lot more data.

I then realize a well designed 1080p camera with optical zoom positioned correctly can achieve the same result to capture license plate image clearly.

Can Wyze consider this feature (optical zoom)?

With Optical zoom we can use 1080p resolution and the optical zoom will help pick up the license plate number clearly - without huge image data bandwidth involved like 4K images.


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Outdoor cam zoom / longer focal length

Outdoor cams are great for monitoring entry points or areas adjacent to the camera location. However, the wide angle/short focal length make them of little use for watching traffic on the street 75-100 feet from house. When a stolen car was left on my block, the police hoped my cam might help but it is too far away too regularly detect street activity. Now a really want a cam that can reach out farther with optical zoom or longer focal length that could be aimed at an atea of the street.

[Mod Note]: Your request was merged to this topic for consistency in grouping similar requests. Please remember to scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button. You may also wish to comment on and/or vote for Telephoto option for outdoor camera.


Zoom lens maybe?

Any chance we can get a zoom lens for the Wyze Cams? The wide view isn’t great for seeing stuff like license plates and peoples faces. Being able to zoom in would help immensely, especially if its was optical and could be done without pixelization. I’m actually surprised this wasn’t added to the Pro

[Mod Note]: Your request was merged to this topic for consistency in grouping similar requests. Please remember to scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button. You may also wish to comment on and/or vote for Optical Zoom Pan camera and Wyze Cam v4 Ideas.


We need the wireless outdoor camera with a 5x optical zoom feature at minimum. Either that, or the camera should offer higher resolution, so the image quality doesn’t get pixelated when you do the “pinch/spread” technique for zooming in and out on things.