Outdoor Cam Base station won't recognize memory

My base station seems to have started not recognizing the memory sim. Anybody else have this issue? I also can’t view events it seems because of this. I have a memory sim in both the camera and the base station.

Are you talking about cloud events (found in the “events” section of the app) or SD card events?

The SD card in the base station is for baking-up cloud events, not recording like on the V1,V2,V3,and Pan cameras. Currently the backed - up recordings can only be vied by removing the SD card from the base and reviewing the footage on a computer.

The SD card on the WCO can be used to record time-lapses schedule recordings and travel mode recordings.

Thanks Briepage. Update. I went into event recording on the camera and toggled “backup to base station” and now when I go into the base station and then click on settings and then MicroSD Card Storage, it is NOW recognizing the SDcard in the base station…not sure why is wasn’t seeing it before. I was having a problem viewing events and would only get the spinner and the first second or two of the video would keep playing. Just viewed an event this morning and it appears to be ok. I’ll keep an eye on it.

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