Out of box Outdoor Cam won't sync or even blink yellow. Straight to blink blue

I have no clue as to “Why” but here is what I did:

  1. Deleted and rebuilt the base station in my IOS applicatio
  2. Let Base station stay turned on overnight on wired ethernet
  3. Turned off WCO and plugged in overnight even though it was already solid red
  4. In morning, turned on WCO and it went immediately to blinking blue. I waited until it completely stopped blinking.
  5. Put Base into “Add Device”
  6. Pressed Sync on WCO to get the Brit to tell me it was starting Sync Mode even though it wasn’t “Yellow”. This started the yellow/blue blinking.
  7. Within two minutes the IOS application showed the two connected and let me finish adding the WCO.

Follow-up test: I configured wifi on the Base and pulled out the wired ethernet. The WCO paused and then connected again to the Base.

All is good now. Patience and power seemed to solve it.