OMG! What is this?

Hi Kat,

As everyone has said, the “orbs” are spider webs. I get them on one of my cameras and it drives me nuts! I clean them from around the camera, but it only helps for a day or two.

But my biggest issue is the tiny bugs that constantly crawl around in front of the lens. I’ll wake up and have dozens of false triggers to sort through. Grrrr! I’m going to take Calia1120’s advice and try some peppermint oil, or other irritant, Asking (even scolding) the little critters to go elsewhere hasn’t worked, so far. :wink:

I’d like to address the flashing of the porch lights. I don’t know which camera you have, but I have 4 of the V3’s. At night, they operate at 20 frames per second. The light(s) on the porch are probably LED’s that flicker at whatever rate your mains are operating at … 50-60 cycles per second (faster than your eye can detect.)

So, the flashing you’re seeing is due to the flickering lights not being in sync with the camera. A common issue when videoing many things at night. Several times per second the camera will shoot a frame at the same instant that the LED is off.


I’m dying of laughter! Thank you. :wink:

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Thank you very much for the thoughtful feedback. :sunny:

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That’s a pretty big white eyeball reflection coming from spiders? Where is the light coming from that makes their eyes light up? Seems strange to me when they go back over the house.

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Over the house? There’s no “over the house”. The webs are swinging a few feet in either direction, hanging from the roof or wall. They come nowhere that other house. The light of course is coming directly from the camera. It has bright near-infrared LEDs for exactly this purpose.


I guarantee you, it’s just spider webs swinging around in the breeze. No doubt about it.
Anyone that has had their cameras for awhile, outside or even inside for that matter, will tell you exactly the same thing , as many others here have already said . there is no mystery about it
EDIT Oh yeah , and there is no spider eyeballs :rofl: :rofl: I don’t know where you came up with that


The reflection is from the pair of ir lights on either side of the camera lens. It appears to go over the house but it’s actually moving up and away from the camera but at its farthest I am guessing it’s still only a foot or so away from the camera.

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