No notifications on iOS 14.1

Anyone else having issues with notifications on iOS 14.1. I updated last night on my iPhone 8 Plus and now I don’t get any notifications.
I work for Apple and have gone through all the trouble shooting for an iPhone and notifications for apps but still can’t get them to work on my iPhone.
All other apps are sending notifications as they are supposed to. It’s just the Wyze app that is not sending notifications of movement from my cameras.
Any help or if anyone else is experiencing the same please let me know. Thanks.

Does the little bell in the top right corner have the :zzz: through it? If it does tap on it to enable notifications. You can also go to the camera (individually it you have multiple), then “settings”(:gear:), then “notifications”.
If both don’t work, try deleting the app and reinstalling it.

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I use an Iphone 7+ on IOS 14.1. Immediately after update I had connection problems constantly. I researched and found out about the new Private Address, which comes turned on by default.
Turned that off and I’ve had no problems since. s
Doesn’t sound like that would be your issue but thought I would pass it along just in case.


I’m also seeing this problem. I’ve updated to iOS 14.1 on both iPhone X & iPad Pro. The iPad is getting all notifications, the iPhone is getting none. I checked settings, tried deleting the app and reinstalling it on iPhone. I tried turning off Private Address here on my home Wifi on iPhone. Nothing has changed - Wyze notifications to my iPhone (& Apple Watch) are simply not working now.


FYI, I’ve tried fiddling with all sorts of things - turned notifications off on the iPad (in app), turned notifications off on the iPad (in iOS Settings), deleted the Wyze app on the iPad. None of this helps Wyze notifications on the iPhone. When I reinstalled the Wyze app on the iPad, it still works fine.

So something is definitely broken with Wyze on my iPhone. Could be the Apple Watch, could be some other random issue.

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UPDATE: Problem resolved. Rebooted my iPhone, problem went away…although iOS 14 notifications with latest iWatch seem a bit “quirky” (not Wyze, iOS/iWatch issue): after the first notification to iWatch, the iPhone wakes up…2nd notification while awake goes only to iPhone apparently (well, this along with many other Apple comms and sync bugs between iPhone and iWatch…)

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I have iOS 14.2 beta on iPad Pro and iPhone Xr and all 5 cams I have will not load alerts to view. So I am dumping both betas. And hope to see my alerts. Also unrelated to this my front door cam v2 gets person detection for most anything. Cars, squirrels, birds and wind motion on foliage near porch.

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