New beta for v3 - announced on fb on 05/04/21

I used to see a delay with Android 5 minutes or longer - could be an hour. This delay only occurred when the phone was not on a charger and has not been touched for a period of time. This essentially put the phone in Doze mode which is where the problem was. This was not the case with iPhones. There was a command you could run on the phone to turn off Doze mode which had to be run everytime you restarted the phone. Took less than a minute or so, but had to be done.

However, I have found that this no longer needs to be done, I believe Wyze has corrected the issue. Now I get my notifications within 5 to 7 seconds on an iPhone and 7 to 10 seconds on and Android phone. On occasions, I have seen delays on the Android device around 30 seconds, but that is not the norm. I posted some pics on the difference in Notifications between iPhone and Android here:

To ensure you get quicker notifications, make sure you turn off he Battery Optimizations for the Wyze App and allow it to run in the background.

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