Multiple Users' Permissions for Shared Users

The ability to create sub users in which you can define what they can see, control, and add/remove. Could also create Temp users in which expire in a certain amount of time. Example: Mother in law is picking up son on Tuesday, could grant her access to unlock and lock the Wyze lock, and turn on lights. But after 24 hours, she is removed as a user until I grant her temp access again

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I hope we get this soon! I need my close family members to be able to view the 24/7 recording on the MicroSD card from their own phone and account.

This issue should be reprioritized with the release of the wyze scale. My wife and I used to share a log in which allowed us equal access but since getting a wyze scale (which I love) we needed separate accounts so that the scale can tell us apart.

Without separate accounts , we cannot fully utilize the features of the scale and with separate accounts we cannot fully utilize the features of the wyze cameras.

Folks, this is 2 years going. PLEASE fix this NOW.
I have been a WYZE ambassador til now.
You are about to lose a good customer.
Most of this post was copied from another customer’s post.
This request is serious, and a critical NEED for even the simplest of real security systems.
Now you are calling yourselves home automation. Cool.
This is one you need to fix, no matter how many people take the time to come here and vote. This should be basic, especially with scales, bands, and multiple cameras.
Please don’t make me go away. Almost there.


The most important feature to me, is to be able to allow view only, and restrict the shared user from turning off the camera. the owner / guest feature would work, as long as they guest cannot turn off the camera… or set what the guest can or cannot do

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:+1: :+1:


:+1: :+1:


I don’t like that guests have the ability to record, speak thru the camera and change settings.


No answer on this, yet you’re researching market demands on space heaters. Really ???

Comon now, improve existing product instead of creating new problems. That heater idea is such a liability and an accident waiting to happen.


I have the same issue at my vacation home where other family members stay. Please prevent shared users from being able to listen in or speak.


Does anyone know if somebody takes a picture of the back of my pan cam can they connect to my camara

No, they can’t. Unless you have your WYZE account email and password, and your Wifi login snd password written back there. :blush:

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So here we are fixing to have puppies again and would like to share the “puppy cam”. But we can’t because of this permission issue. So I get to dig out the 10 year old D-Link and hope I can get it to run one more time. Sigh…

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+1 Provide permissions for shares users to access SD playback.

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Need to be able to turn off features for shared users, such as not allowing them to be able to record, take photos or speak into the mic. We have these installed in our home as we have a microschool and have these installed for our protection as much as for the protection of the children and their parents. We want the parents to be able to view the live stream but as a legal liability can’t have them being able to record or take photos because if they record it onto their phone, then post it to facebook or instagram so Grandma or Aunt Betty can see it and their profile is public, then the world has access to the videos and photos and who knows what kind of disgusting creeps out there might do with it if they then download the videos and photos of the children. I’m a web developer and app developer, so enabling this type of ability to turn on or off features is super easy and wouldn’t take much to make it happen. And if you care about your customers and the privacy of children, you will make it happen sooner than later.


+1 to add Multiple Users’ Permissions for Shared Users

For example: toggle on-off access to SD card for shared users for a specific camera (then maybe user specific?)

Any follow up from Wyze? I really need this feature. The other big guys in smart cams have it…

While I agree that Wyze should still implement the things you mentioned, what you ultimately want is impossible. If if you ever share a live-stream with anyone to view it on their own device, they can always record or take pictures no matter what platform or service you use, or what restrictions Wyze or anyone else tries to implement (screenshot/screen-recording), and they can then post it. I frequently use the free AZ Screen Recorder for example to record whatever is on my screen (mostly for work QA testing purposes)…removing “recording ability” through Wyze would not change that or screenshots…though you’re right that fewer people would do such things.

I understand the liability issues involved though…the best advice is to have the cams all kept local and not share anything with other parents. Having any parent have nonstop to video access of another parents’ kids is risking issues. Consider if the public junior high or high school let every family member have 24/7 access to watch all the kids in every classroom and school. Even if it was limited to just parents…what they could screen-record or take screenshots of with other people’s kids just having the live stream…sounds like a legal nightmare not worth the risk…and probably why nobody does it. Privacy violations and all that.

On the other hand, your idea of transparency and peace of mind to let the parents always see how their own kid is doing makes a lot of business sense for things like daycares, and other such businesses.

If you are going to share streams, maybe you could make people sign a legal agreement of what they can or can’t do with the stream before they get access to it. Then if it is violated, they are the ones liable and you can get some backup from court orders, etc to legally force removal of vids, etc. Though, you should consult a lawyer on such issues for something like this (IANAL).

Regardless, your examples are still greatly supportive of other examples of why more restrictive permissions can be really necessary. You don’t want some kid’s grandma accidentally turning off the cameras, or notifications or tons of other things they might do even on accident. You need to make sure these parents/grandparents can’t change any of the other settings.

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If you have a Wyze Scale and you have your family members using it to sync, then they would need to have individual accounts with the cameras shared. If not, then everyone would see each others weight. I want my family members to be able to see playback also but can’t due to the permissions. I like the idea of having security groups. Until we purchased the scale, we all just used the main account the cameras were setup under. Now for any one to see playback they have to login as the main account user. Then if they want to sync the scale weight, they have to log out of Wyze and then log in as their personal account to sync the weight from the scale… I wished I had know this before purchasing the scale.

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We share our camera with our nanny who keeps an eye on our little one while she is sleeping while we are both at work. Her hours are 9 am to 6pm. There is no need for her to have access to the camera outside of those hours and the thought of her eavesdropping on us in the evening is a bit unsettling.

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Agreed that Wyze should improve sharing controls soon!

Meanwhile, if you don’t need the camera at all during private home time, perhaps you could put it on a programmable timer or smart plug?


Why is everyone wasting time posting the million more reasons this capability is needed? This thread and others like it have been live for TWO YEARS so it’s obvious wyze either isn’t listening or doesn’t care. If they want my business, they’ll build this. Otherwise find a competitor who supports this extremely simple use case

Good question.

Yes, we have hundreds of people who keep repeating the same reasons why they need a slightly different additional feature compared to the other hundreds of people who have already posted about why they want it different in some other minor way, Clearly everyone is wasting their time – especially since many of the “reasons” are nonsense or the idea obviously unreasonable.

[Mod Edit]

Yes, there are several features that would make these cameras more useful to some people. Wyze has added many such features, but despite the [Mod Edit} most of the features that have not been implemented are not so simple to add to the existing hardware and software. [Mod Edit]