Motion sensitivity on Low still too high

Thanks for the reply. I have used the motion detection zone, which is about 10% of the area. But still sunlight in the window, or headlights on a wall will trigger alerts at 48. Anyway my ideas were just suggestions to solve the problem. I guess if I understood what the sensitivity levels are based on I might have a better idea of what levels to set them at. Ideally, one would be able to set multiple detection areas (i.e. ignore the plants but not the walk) as a single rectangle is very limited. The question is the cam limited by programming and/or hardware.

me too, not only cloud, but even with a detection zone box set pretty far away from where the street motion is, random reflections and headlights still cause a detection flare and had to disable push notifications due to so many false positives.


Two things to note about motion detection zone feature:

  1. Motion detection zone will filter out the motion outside the trigger zone.
  2. Our sensitivity is a preset ratio level based on your selection. We compare the your sensitivity with the ration between motion areas vs. selected motion area. If you set a detection zone (let's say a quarter of the whole screen) a same motion inside the zone will generate a higher ratio since the denominator is a quarter of original size. It is a choice we made whether we should always use full screen size or the selected screen size. Pros and cons either way.

We have high false positive rate for tree moving, when facing the sun, and cloud changing. We are testing with new algorithms but it will be a few months I guess. We have a lot of projects on our current plate already. We want to add ML/AI capability too but need to find out a practical solution. Two ways for us - implement on our own or use 3rd party services. The 3rd party services are expensive for now. For both Google and Amazon their video recognition service charges for $.10-$.12 per minute of video. For a normal user it could be several dollars of cost per month just for this service. We won’t be able to make it free for customers. The other option to develop by ourselves will need ML/AI/video expertise on our side. Our cloud team is already very tight with new features, Alexa, and other work. That’s why I said ‘a few months’ at least.

Don’t get me wrong. Video accuracy improvement is for sure a high priority feature for us. We think about it very frequently. We will have to improve it over time.


Thanks for the suggestion. You direction is the right direction, at least from what we can see. :slight_smile:

Please see my comment about AI/ML at That should give you a picture of where we are at.

A simple way around this may be to give users the option to select the minimum amount of time a trigger of motion must take to alert a user.

For example, to avoid bugs, you could set the minimum amount of movement time to 1.5 seconds, which should be more than enough time to get someone walking up the patio but not the difference in a bug going by.

I would implement it as a slider below the sensitivity settings. I’m no expert but to me it seems like tying a variable like that to our settings would be simpler than trying to process the images in a different way.

There’s actually already a Roadmap post that you can hop over and vote for. Make sure to click the VOTE button at the top:

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