Mark Events In SD Card Playback

What is the status on this? What is taking so long? Do you need to hire more people for app development?

This is an essential feature in my opinion.

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I currently donā€™t have my camera set to alert me of motion when I am home but have occasionally popped in just to see some footage in the past. It would be great if we had a visual indicator on the video timeline that would indicate if the camera detected motion. Such as a red shade like this


I feel like a simple addition to the software would be to tag the green timeline market with a red line every time motion is detected. This would make it much easier for us to find an event on the devices SD card that weā€™d like to see more than the tiny 12 second clip that shows up online. Or even consider making a shortcut from the event clip thatā€™d lead you directly to that spot in the local playback.


I like this idea!

Very much this. I was going to make a post regarding this. All of my cameras are running full continuous recording. I have one facing my front yard and itā€™s heck finding stuff within that footage because thereā€™s no way to distinguish motion detection vs. all other footage. Iā€™m trying to find the neighbor who is letting their dog come into the middle of my front yard to do their thing and then leaving it there. I caught one neighborā€™s dog (but it genuinely seemed like the dog just got out and ran right over here), this other stuff is a much, much larger dogā€¦so, unacceptable. Anyway, I digress.

It would be great if motion detection triggers were marked differently within continuous footage playback so I can go right to it.

Not sure if this falls under this suggestion, but would love the ability to easily jump to the previous or next start of a recorded event when viewing playback from SD card. This is the only cumbersome aspect of the Wyze cam Iā€™ve encountered so far. Currently one has to manually scroll through the timeline and sorta play pin the tail on the start times donkey despite seeing the green window of opportunity on the playback timeline.

By the way: Love these cameras. My new favorite company. Thabks.

Tapping the arrow On the right side of the Timeline will Jump forward to next start of a recorded event , Tapping the arrow On the left side of the Timeline will jump back to the previous Recorded event


I tried that, but I guess I was doing it wrong. Iā€™ll try again. Thanks!

Okay. It works! I guess I missed it because of the quieter moments. But I looked at the clock in the video, and it is indeed moving to the next extended motion-triggered event. Since the datestamp is also displayed under and outside of the video stamp, perhaps the timestamp might also be displayed under the date. Small details. This is rrally a great cam tho. I now own three.

If you use the two finger spread gesture (pinch out) on the timeline, it will zoom in and make each one minute segment much more prominent. Then when you use the left/right arrows to jump between them, itā€™s somewhat more obvious.

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Yeah, I think Iā€™ll go that route in the interim. Makes more sense now. Thanks, man.

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Yes, yes, and yes to all ideas in this thread. LOL I also have continuous playback on. though Iā€™m fairly new even pinching the timeline (though I really canā€™t tell from my S9+ if itā€™s working) itā€™s next to impossible to locate the event from the notification. This has to be right now the single most important feature if you use this camera for security. Please hear us and provide if possible. Thanks to all the Wyze team members for a great camera!!!

this should be prominently noted somewhere in the tricks and tips section. I had no idea I could do that. life just got a whole lot easier!

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Itā€™s here:

and here:

(1:05 mark)

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A different color on the event bar during playback to highlight where there was a motion event. That way you wouldnā€™t have to look at hours of recordings ā€¦


Yes, I like this too! Maybe using different colors of shading for sound and motion events (so I can tell when someone arrived home versus just the cat singing to an empty room).

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Motion detection is a powerful filtering mechanism for continuous storage. Recommend that the files have a flag appended to the filename which eliminates the need to have a database to track which have motion and which do not. When viewing local storage a toggle to show all continuous storage or only that with motion.

In addition, the visual timeline that shows green shading should incorporate a color for each of the flags. Green for no motion, red for motion. This enable the user to move through time and quickly identify and view video with motion.

This should not include a 5 minute cool down period that is used for cloud.


It would be convenient to have a ā€œClickā€ within the 12-second Event playback to jump directly to the recorded Playback video at the date and time where the event occurred. This should work whether the Playback recording was Continuous or Event-driven.

The currently implementation is very inconvenient. It is up to the user to remember the camera, date and time of the event (down to a few minutes). back out to the Home screen, select the proper camera, click ā€œView Playbackā€ and then manually scrub through it to find the video of interest.