Looking for Wyze to set the record straight about their cams

I am not disagreeing with you in any way, I am constantly pointing out they are not security cams.

Hi, folks!

Thank you for your patience. I went straight to the source for answers about this (the marketing team).

They explained that when you read about Wyze online, it’s typically due to 3 reasons:

  1. The outlet reached out to us and then published
  2. We reached out to the outlet and then they published
  3. The outlet wrote about us with limited or no contact

No matter the origin of the article, we aim to be as factual and objective as possible without influencing any of the media’s publishing. Sometimes we send sample units and sometimes no samples units are reviewed at all. Sometimes the media purchases their own units.

While we do provide talking points for features and functions (e.g., motion detection zones, sound recording, etc), we typically try not to steer the editorial in one direction or another by stating what we are or are not. That being said, we do let media know our cameras are not intended for use as security cameras but are used for everyday casual monitoring within the home. Whether a media outlet calls us a security camera or not is at their own discretion.


I thought I’d let this thread run a while before inserting comments -
First of all, who believes these reviewers? To me they are as trustworthy as used car salespeople or Craigs list sellers.
Second - the use of the term “security camera” is very flexible and means essentially nothing.
Surveillance cameras means slightly more, but not much.
Wireless IP cameras with movement detection means a lot more.
And third - on a $20 item I bet a lot of people toss the TOS and view it as the companies “cover your assets” insurance.

Also - four children taught me that even carelessly placed Legos (or Duplos) can cause sock footed Santas to set off an vocal alarm.


Again with legos (shudder)! Monsters I tell you, scary bad monsters…

Thanks, much appreciate the response!

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You’re welcome! Thanks for initiating the conversation. :slight_smile: