I've got an itch I can't scratch

This reminds me of something :thinking:

DEAL! Here I go:

So…using your own assessment against you…

Hmm…can’t figure out how to scratch his own itch = CHECK? :white_check_mark:

  • Vent Flag :white_check_mark:

I’m going to rate your post as a Vent Flag, and it’s not clear whether you were even able to locate the problem, and definitely couldn’t solve it yourself, so I’m going to rate your aptitude for this matter as beginner.

  • Itch Scratching Aptitude: Begginner :white_check_mark:

But since it seems to be a vent assessment with no clear explanation or information in the initial post, I’m not sure if you want me to even bother responding with a solution suggestion. :smiley: Respond in kind and all that.

Heh, thanks for the self assessment guide we can use on your own posts buddy, it’s coming in handy already! :rofl:

Oh…sorry, ignore everything above this line then. :laughing:

Oh nevermind, you may pay attention to everything in this post after all. :upside_down_face:

You’re welcome. Don’t mind me, carry on, I have faith in your ability to learn how to scratch the itch…You know what they say about giving vs teaching how to fish… :slight_smile:

Nothin but love my peep buddy! :smiley: