IOS URL Scheme

Does anyone know if there is a URL Scheme to open the Wyze app on iOS? I’m trying to open the app through launch center pro.


I did discover that wyze:// will open the app. I haven’t found any other functions, it would be great if you could go directly to a specific camera view.

If anyone is wondering why this could be useful, I’m interested in using the IFTTT rich notifications as they provide some additional control, and they can include a URL, in this case you could get a notification that with a tap opens the Wyze app, and ideally could open it to a specific camera view.

The TinyCam web server has a bunch of URLs you can use to access your Wyze cameras, both for static images and digital video. But you will need an Android device to run it on.

This seems like such an easy thing to implement and it would be so useful. For instance, you could tie it to actionable notifications in home assistant so that when a motion sensor is triggered you get a notification and a button to open the camera view in Wyze.