Individual Camera, Sense, Doorbell, AI detection type, etc. Alert Notification Sound and/or Color

Hey everyone! I voted on and posted over at Different Alert Sound for Wyze Notifications and was referred over here by @Seapup for Wyze device level custom push notifications and tones.

I too am waiting for Wyze to develop App level custom notifications and tones (in development Wishlist topic above) and Wyze device level custom notifications and tones (this Wishlist topic, maybe later).

As a moderately acceptable workaround to get as close to these two wishlist items as possible until Wyze gets done wading thru the tall grass coding these, I have implemented the following:

  1. I have Android so I have changed my OS level notification sound setting for “WyzeMessage” (all Wyze push notifications) from the default to a custom mp3 sound I downloaded. That way, the Wyze push notification sound is unique from any other app. (Sorry iOS… Apple doesn’t allow you to do that without 3rd party app supervision)

  2. I have installed Free Notification Reader. Highly customizable. Free. Stable. When any Wyze notification comes in, I first hear my Wyze tone (#1 above) and then it audibly reads the text of the Wyze notification to me so I know exactly what Wyze device initiated the push and why: “Notification from Wyze, Person detected on Doorbell Cam at 1:15pm. Check out the event video.” Regardless of which devices I have set for notification, if it sends a push, FNR audibly tells me which device initiated that push AND why (example: which AI event tagged, open close sensor, leak sensor, climate Sensors temp\humidity, HMS armed\disarmed, alarm, Noonlight…you get the idea). The app can be used on ANY other app on your phone that sends push notifications, it will work on BT headsets, it reads my emails and text MMS\SMS to me when driving, can override DND by app, too many features to list.

Update: FNR has been updated recently and has moved to an Ad based revenue model. Accessing the Advanced Settings requires watching an Ad, but once they are set the App will run in the background without the need for more Ads. You will only need to watch an Ad if you need to return to the Advanced Settings to make a change.

Hope this helps at least one frustrated sole while we all wait in que for the doors to open. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: