Improved stability and support for the beta RTSP firmware

The beta RTSP firmware that was originally released as “use at your own risk” is very unreliable, and stops working after the camera has been successfully streaming RTSP data for anywhere from a few hours to a few days (suggesting an internal memory leak in the program) - after which time each individual camera must either be rebooted or have the RTSP URL regenerated to start work again. Having the capability to capture RTSP data into PC based surveillance software such as iSpy is an important use case and should be better supported to:

  1. Capture RTSP data reliably over a long period of time without randomly stopping and requiring a manual reset by the customer…
  2. Allow the firmware version that supports RTSP to be automatically upgraded from the smart phone app, just like the non-RTSP firmware can be. Having to physically visit each camera to upgrade this RTSP firmware is awkward and often difficult to accomplish.

Enabling WYZE cameras to work reliably with the assortment of commercial and open source surveillance software on the market is an important use case - even more important than supporting the smart phone app to some. It should be given the software support it deserves.

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Welcome back to the community, @netsufr. There is already a Wishlist topic for OTA updates for RTSP firmware.

Also, on this page, there is a statement from Wyze on the future of support for RTSP.