HMS-Need fields for alarm permit number and expiration

The setting in HMS need to include fields for the alarm permit number and the expiration date. This should be included under the Home configuration.

Background: I received a letter from my local sheriff’s office that came with my alarm permit informing me that they won’t dispatch anyone if the alarm company doesn’t have the permit number. I reached out to NoonLight and they had me email my permit information to them to be stored “somewhere” in case it was needed. I’m sure other localities have a similar requirement. It would be unfortunate if someone needed help and couldn’t get it because NoonLight didn’t have the permit information.

@WildBill, you are a one man Army! A Force to be Reckoned With!

With a single #wishlist post and 5 votes, you got this implemented!

Congratulations! :clap:

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Thanks. I suspect Wyze simply discovered this was really needed.


Nope. All you! :laughing:

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I see the newly added field for Permit Number, but none for Expiration. Do you still need an expiration field?

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I’m no longer using HMS, but the county sheriff needs it from the alarm company in order to dispatch anyone.


Thank you for confirming. It appears there are no syntax rules for the Permit Number field, so if a user wanted to also enter an expiration date, the following could be entered: “#123456 exp: 7/29/2023”

It seems slightly odd that a sheriff’s office would ask for expiration. Noonlight would communicate the permit number to the sheriff’s office and the sheriff’s office would do a permit number lookup to confirm and see the expiration date in their own system.

Would you consider this wishlist request implemented as-is? Or would you prefer to see a separate Expiration field?


Personally, I no longer have a stake in this issue. I am no longer using HMS as I found it to be unsuitable for my needs. I think having a separate field for the expiration date would be preferable because it would be more obvious than having it buried in the permit number field, but that’s just my opinion.


Thanks! We’ll leave your topic in the Wishlist category as it is only partially implemented.

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