Help installing C-wire adapter needed

Did you tell it that you have a C wire? If you are using a C adapter, you need to tell it you do not have a C wire.

As far as the o/b wire not being connected goes, you didn’t possibly disconnect it or loosen it’s wire nut when you were working on the other wires, did you?

When I choose the original thermostat connections in the app it instructed me to use the C adapter.

Unless something happens on the wiring between the thermostat to the wire nuts by the air handler (the shade of some wires is different from the other end) this is the way things were originally.

The thermostat W was connected to the heat pump with no connection to the air handler.

The thermostat W2 was connected to the air handler controller board W1 and to the heat pump.

W2 on the air handler controller board had a wire connected that did not connect to anything (and was not stripped so had not been connected and came loose).

I did not loosen O/B wire because there was not one. I did not loosen the W to the heat pump wire.

In your diagram, W on the Wyze thermostat is connected to W on the C wire adapter and the W wire out of the C wire adapter is connected to W1 on the air handler controller board and also to the heat pump.

Also O/B on the Wyze thermostat is connected directly (via a wire nut) to the heat pump.

Any suggestions?

Shut off power to the heat pump and open the access panel and take a picture.
You do want to use the C adapter, but during setup, you must not tell it that you have a C wire if you are using the C adapter or it will not work properly.

I did not tell the app I have C wire during set up. I told it the connections that I listed in my second post above.
The thermostat connections are
W2 white
G green
W blue
Y yellow
RC red

The app then said to use the C wire adapter.

I will try to photo the heat pump tomorrow but we had big storms today and they are also predicted for the next few days. I will not fool with the heat pump if there is any chance of a storm.

Photo of the heat pump connectors is below. The wires shown in the photo are only short ones and are connected by wire nuts to the wires coming from the air handler controller. These are the colors of the air handler wires that are connected to the heat pump

I read on another forum threat that “The switch hot / cold option is ONLY for people with a heat pump.” I do not see that option in the app after I add the thermostat. Does it know I have a heat pump? If not, where in the setup do I tell it?

Also does the photo help you to decide on the correct wiring?

During setup, when you tell it that you have a O/B wire, that’s how it knows you have a heatpump.
If you go to advanced settings, you should see something that says swap hot and cold or similar.

If you disconnect W1 from the wyze (just tuck it back into the hole temporarily so that it doesn’t short out on anything) and put it into heating mode, does your outdoor A/C fan run? do you feel warm or room temperature air coming out of your vents indoors?

So when the app asks me what terminals are connected on my old thermostat I should indicate the O/B even though it is not connected? I did not do that but can try tomorrow.

Yes, you need to tell it you have an o/b wire.

I did not try unhooking the W1 yet, will try tonight or tomorrow.

Last night tried telling the Wyze app that the wire connected to W on the old thermostat was O/B. So the app thought the old connections were W2, O/B, G, Y, and Rc. Connected the blue wire to the O/B terminal on the Wyze thermostat and the white wire to the W terminal. Followed app directions. Testing got no compressor on H1 and no cooling on C test (if I remember correctly).
Set things back to the way they were when it thought I did not have a heat pump as we need A/C now.

When the app asks about the heating system, with a heat pump do I answer electric and forced air for both sets of questions?

if you didn’t have either heating or cooling, then you have something hooked up incorrectly, most likely the C adapter’s Y terminal. If it was reversed, then you need to go to settings>advanced> swap heating and cooling.
Take pictures of your current thermostat wiring and your C adapter wiring.
Did you reset both the thermostat and the app?

You should not hook the O/B wire to anything but O/B on a wyze. You can damage your heatpump if you hook things up incorrectly. I’ve told you several times that your “W” wire is an O/B wire, not a W wire.

Yes, you told me but it doesn’t work. You never mentioned we could damage the heat pump and neither did Wyze at any point in the installation! We need to do something to cool the house!

I already told you what my connections are. Photos will not help as the wires going from the c adapter to the controller board go to to wire nuts and it is not possible to photo the wire nuts well enough in the confined space to see the connections . The yellow wire that was attached to the Honeywell Y terminal and to Y on the controller board and to Y on the heat pump now goes to Y on the C adapter and from there to Y on the controller and Y on the heat pump. That is what your drawing showed.

Can you tell me how to safely connect the thermostat and cool the house until we can trouble shoot the heating issue? If not, I will reconnect the. old thermostat and return the wiring to its original state.

What do you mean reversed? How do you reverse a terminal on the C adapter?

if you had heating when it was supposed to be cooling and cooling when it was supposed to be heating.

For your Y wire, the only thing that should be attached to the terminal side of the C adapter is the wire going to the thermostat. all other Y wires need to be attached to the ribbon cable side of the C adapter.

It could damage your system to try to run the heat if you have the O/B wire connected to W1 and run it for a long period of time without the compressor running, because your changeover valve can overheat.

Your changeover appears to default to cooling, as evidenced by the fact that your air conditioner runs in cooling mode without it being activated, so you will probably need to tell it to swap heating and cooling in the app after you tell it you have a heat pump in order for the changeover valve to not be activated when it is in cooling mode.

Let me rephrase to make it clearer.

In the original Honeywell thermostat setup (omitting Y, C, and G for the moment)

The thermostat W (blue wire) was connected to the heat pump with no connection to the air handler.

The thermostat W2 (white wire) was connected to the air handler controller board W1 and to the heat pump.

W2 on the air handler controller board had a wire connected that did not connect to anything (and was not stripped so had not been connected and came loose).

Now when I install the Wyze thermostat, do I

Connect the blue wire to the O/B terminal on the Wyze (it then goes to terminal D on the heat pump as before)?

Connect the white wire to the W1 terminal on the Wyze (it then goes to the W terminal on the C adapter and the W wire in the ribbon cable from the C adapter goes to W1 on the air handle board and also to terminal D on the heat pump as before)?

I tell the Wyze app I have the following connections






If after this the cooling and heating are switched, I then switch them in the advanced section of the app.

Is this correct?

The O/B wire should go to B, not D. The W wire should go to D if you want the heat strips to kick on when the heat pump is in heating mode and the coil needs to defrost.

Other than that, the rest of your post looks correct.

You are correct, I confused the terminal labels when typing. Blue goes to B and White to D.

I will try it tonight or tomorrow morning and update.


Success! After setting the wiring and configuration as you suggested and then switching hot and cold in the app, things seem to be working as they should.

Last issue is the app showing the thermostat as offline even though it is possible to use the app to control it. I will try the suggestions in the threads about that issue to try to resolve it. When it showed offline and the heat and cold were switched I was worried I could not access the hot and cold toggle in the app but it did work.

Thanks again for your patience. quick responses and expert advice.

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I’m assuming that you see a little cloud icon with a line. That means the thermostat is unable to connect to the cloud, but has network access so you can manage it with the Wyze App. That usually means that your wifi router is suffering from network congestion. I was able to resolve this by switching the router to using a different channel for the 2.4G network. Wyze support will be able to determine the least congested channels if necessary.