Google display won't show wyze cams

When I tell Google to show me a certain cam it says wyze home it says wyze home not reachable or something like that??

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What display are you using? I don’t have a Nest, but I do use the Google Home App to view cams and I know it has many issues. Google assistant is also non-functional.

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I have a google Nest and just tested all cameras (Just recently acquired, so I am no expert yet)

I was unable to call up all V3s (including the ones on Floodlights and the Garage Door Openers do not show as Cameras on the Nest) and WCOs v1/v2 (the WCOs seems a little wonky on the Nest)

Wyze Cam V2 worked
Pan Cam V1 and V2 worked
Video doorbell worked
Video doorbell pro worked

And as I was typing this all of my V3s started working again.

Not sure what Cams you are connecting to, are they working now? If not what firmware do you have the the camera.

Also make sure your Linked Service is still active and authenticated in Home Settings>Works With Google.


Theyve all been working fine. Display just says can’t reach wyze home. Idk…

Ty that’s exactly what it needed, reconnected my account and all ís working fine. Ty so much!