Fix-It-Friday 7/1/2022

Hi Jason and WyzeTeam!
I wanted to write and vote for a potential investigation and fix into a rather annoying bug I came across in my time of ownership of my wyzecam. Unfortunately at times, ive noticed a interesting condition where the camera will think there is a problem resolving a specific address:

when this happens the camera decides to spam whatever dns server it can find (it may also be getting this from the phone) as i notice it will hit my carrier’s dns server with tons of new connection requests which ultimately cause a router crash when its connection table fills up.

In this thread here, i detail a workaround/fix I found by specifying the server in a hosts configuration at the router as well as a few other minor annoyances I found and scripts built to address this, as well as automate home/away detection without the need of the apps.