Event Notification For No Events?

Why do I see a notification that events occurred but when I click on Events tab I see “There are no events”?

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Wyse Sensor? I will get a notification that a door has opened, but if that sensor is not tied to a camera to take a video, it will not show up in the “Events” window on the app.

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After seeing the new notification on the Events tab and “There there are no events,” I clicked on each sensor and the timestamps don’t correspond to any recent notification.

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Perhaps it is user error in my estimate of when a sensor was activated and the corresponding Events tab showing a notification?

I see several ‘Smart video alert’ and ‘Motion’ video entries logged for previous days on the Events page. So it seems that the Events page only logs videos. If so, why show the little red notification dot on that Events tab when a sensor is activated? Why not show a chronological list of videos and sensor activations there to remove any doubt about what the little red notification dot is referring to exactly?

Just had that happen. Door notification, red dot. But no video because it’s not set up to take one.

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yes that is correct.
Wyze team has indicated That they will be streamlining The sensors With functions in the app

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Just recently, I have noticed I’m get the ‘Smart Video Alert’ errors and have reported them to Wyze support. I have attached some screenshots of the messages.

See my post yesterday. Happens to me when the camera the sensor is set up to trigger is off.