Doorbell alerts

Is there a way to separate or make the color of the DOORBELL ALERT different or persistent in the future for the DOORBELL in the Wyze APP?

Right now, the alert “SOMEONE IS AT YOUR DOORBELL” shows and in the same format as all the other Wyze Alerts. It needs to stand out, and stay on the screen, and probably in a different color so we can differentiate it from a normal – and spammy Wyze V2/V3 camera alert.

Here is my install BTW: in the video, it also shows how to remove the Wyze camera with a Steak knife once you lock it into place

[Wyze DoorBell Camera Installation, First Look and Troubleshooting with Chime Module - YouTube]

(Wyze DoorBell Camera Installation, First Look and Troubleshooting with Chime Module - YouTube)